Many of us don't know really what PANHCAKRMA is all about
Have a look
Panchakarma - "The Royal Treatment" - was reputedly reserved for the royal families of ancient India, who used it to maintain their strength and youthfulness.
Panchakarma (Sanskrit: पंचकर्म, literally meaning "five actions") is the word for the five different procedures used in Ayurveda which are believed to purify the body. This is done in two ways:
• pacifying the aggravated doshas by using appropriate diet, natural herbs and minerals.
• eliminating the increased Doshas from the body.
Panchakarma is a purifying therapy to enhance the metabolic process through food and herbal medicines. It is used in deep rooted chronic disease as well as seasonal imbalance of tri-Doshas. As the wastes are eliminated from the body the person becomes healthy. So Panchakarma means five types of actions or techniques or treatment. These types of therapeutics are based on elimination therapy.
Recent research has shown that this luxurious procedure does actually reverse age-related deteriorations in physical functioning and has confirmed its value for both physical and mental health
The main treatments of Panchakarma include:
• Abhyanga - Synchronised full body massage with individually selected herbal oils
• Shirodhara - a continuous, comfortably warm stream of oil on the forehead and temples
• Svedana - herbal steam bath
• Basti - enemas with purifying, soothing or nourishing effect
• Nasya - nasal treatment involving massage of head, shoulders and neck, with inhalation and warm compresses
• Netra tarpana - eye treatment
Health, Happiness and Long Life
Scientific research and patients' testimonials show a number of benefits from Panchakarma, including:
• Generally lower stress and anxiety levels, with improvements in well-being
• Strengthened digestion and appetite
• Improved sleep patterns with deeper rest during sleep
• Increase energy and vitality and greater emotional balance
• Normalization of weight and eating a more balanced diet
• Enhanced flexibility in joints and muscles