So called *EDUCATORS and EMPLOYEES* keep calling us requesting Blood in emergencies. We can understand their need, but *they need to think on...*
*"why they calling us without"*
- *Donation* by themselves
- *Referring their* friends, colleagues, Relatives
- Posting on their *FACE BOOK STATUS* (it has separate feature too)
- Posting on *their WALLS* and Many *WHATSAPP groups*
- even *donating* after their requirement is fulfilled
- *Promoting Blood Donation and Volunteering* to bridge the donors and requirements, If they are not eligible to donate
*Blood never be manufactured in the Body / homes of Blood Donor...*.
*Every eligible person has to donate blood regularly for every 3 or atleast 6 months*
*ఏరు దాటగానే, తెప్ప తగులబెట్టే ఆలోచలనలతో, వైఖరితో ఎన్నాళ్ళు బ్రతికి ఏమి ఉపయోగం...*
Love all-Serve all
Amma Sreenivas
99 4888 5111
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